Stage race or 1 day
CTR t’ofereix la possibilitat de gaudir al màxim durant 2 dies d’uns recorreguts espectaculars
The best way to spend an unforgettable weekend will be to take part in one of the 3 two-stage combinations we have prepared for you.
A combination of technical routes on Saturday and faster on Sunday.
You have the option to sign up for one of the 4 routes.
Choose your Stages Race
We offer 4 routes spread over 2 days

CTR Ultra 70k
43km + 25km
Pels amants de devorar kms en alta muntanya, hem dissenyat aquesta ULTRA en 2 etapes. Un cap de setmana de pura muntanya amb 70km y +4600m de desnivell en el cor dels Pirineus. Recorreguts per sobre dels 2.000m més tècnics el Dissabte i més ràpids el Diumennge. Punts com Cabana Sorda, Siscaró o el Pas de les Vaques els sorpendran per la seva espectacularitat i els recordaràs durant molt de temps.

CTR Great Marathon 50k
24km + 25km
Aquesta combinada de 50k i +3.300m és ideal pels trail runners de mitja distància. Les Valls de Canillo són terrenys espectaculars d’ alta muntanya que et faràn gaudir al màxim. Dues muntanyes i dos terrenys diferents per dos dies inoblidables de trail.

CTR Trail
24km + 15km
Et proposem el millor lloc possible,el País dels Pirineus, per completar una Marató en 2 dies. Una combinada de 40K i 2700m en 2 dies per terrenys molt diferents entre els 2 dies, que et faran gaudir al màxim del Trail.
Marathon 43k
43km +2800m
Starting at Canillo down to Meritxell’s Sanctuary, then comes the ascent up to Mountaup Valley. After you pass by its shelter, you will start a different stage. More altitude, new valleys and further lakes.
Salamandres, Cabana Sorda, Siscaró, Pas de les Vaques, Incles’s Valleys are among the stunning places you will discover in this trail.
AV1 – Roc del Quer Km 7,3 (líquid + sòlid).
AV2 – Montaup Km 11 (líquid + sòlid).
AV3 – Ransol Km 17,2 (líquid + sòlid).
AV4 – Incles Km 27,8 (líquid + sòlid).
AV5 – Pas de les Vaques Km 31,5 (líquid).
AV6 – Soldeu Km 35 (líquid + sòlid).
Temps màxim per completar la prova 8h
Punts de Tall:
- Punt 1. Avituallament de Ransol km17.5 límit 3H40h
- Punt 2. Avituallamet Vall d´Incles km 27.8 límit 5H15h
- Punt 3. Avituallament Soleu km 37 límit 07H
Withdrawal points by vehicle: Incles, Soldeu, Aldosa.
Trail 24k
24km +1500m
Starting at El Tarter Village, this trail completes the Marathon’s second stage.
Departure at 8:30h already demanding at 1,700m climbing towards Cabana Sorda passing first by the Estanys de les Salamandres at 2,360m high. With spectacular views, we will start the descent towards an altitude of 1850m while seeing one of the most beautiful valleys in Andorra, the Vall d'Incles.
Afterwards, run down the descent to one of the country’s most beautiful valleys, Incle’s Valley.
AV1 – Incles Km 9,8 (líquid + sòlid).
AV2 – Pas de les Vaques Km 13,8 (líquid).
AV3 – Soldeu Km 17,5 (líquid + sòlid).
AV4 – Aldosa Km 20,5 (líquid).
- 2 liquid foodstuffs
- 2 Avituallaments líquid + sòlid
Maximum time to complete the race 4h45m
Withdrawal points by vehicle: Incles, Soldeu, Aldosa.
Trail 25k
25km +1800m
The second stage consists of a less technical and faster trail. Starting at Canillo with a great ascent from the green meadows to Andorra’s peaks enjoying magnificent landscapes. After Ribaescorxada shelter the descent begins through the forest by confortable and amazing trails.
AV1- km 8
AV2- km 12
AV3- km 16
AV4- km 21
Timing Point AV2 – Riba Escorxada 2:30h
Maximum time to complete the race 5h
Short 15k
15km +1200m
Start a fast trail in a first part going up between trees through a thick forest. After 4km we will arrive to Ribaescorxada shelter where you can stare a magníficent landscape. From this shelter on you can enjoy lots of green meadows up to 2.500m. Then you will go down again into the forest until the arrival.
AV1 – km8
AV2 – km12
Maximum time to complete the race 4:30h
Fast & Caminada 10k
10km +730m
2nd Stage with two less technical routes. You can choose to do the race by walking or running.
AV1 – km6
Departure Time: 9:30h.
Maximum time to complete the race 2:30h
**The race can be performed running or walking.
Children's Races
300m i 1K
300m i 1K
It will be necessary to register on the website.
10:45h Participants up to 6 years old and will run a 300m route.
10:30h Participants who are 7 and 8 years old will do a 1K route.
Obligatory Equipment
- Minimum liquid 1L
- Thermal blanket
- Mobile phone charged
- Long-sleeved hooded windbreaker
- Glass of Water or Drum
- whistle
Optional Equipment
- Sunscreen
- Sticks
Friday August 29
- BIB collection - from 17.00h to 21h. Plaça Carlemany, Canillo (about the offices of the Comú de Canillo)
Saturday August 30
- 07h Marathon Start (Canillo. Plaça Carlemany)
- 08:30h Sortida 24k (El Tarter. Davant Església)
- From 11:30 Award Ceremony Trail 24k.
- From 12:30 Award Ceremony Marathon
Sunday August 31
- 08h Trail 23k Start
- 09h Short 15k Start
- 09:30h Fast & Caminada 10k Start
- From 12:30 Award Ceremony
Output Map
Stages 2 days
- CTR ULTRA: 1st, 2n, 3th Female and Male
- CTR GREAT MARATHON: 1st, 2n, 3th Female and Male
- CTR TRAIL: 1st, 2n, 3th Female and Male
- 1st Female and Male of Categories
- 40-49 Years old
- +50 Years old
One Day Races
- 1st, 2n, 3th Female and Male

REGISTRATION UNTIL 27/08/2025 AT 14:00h
* Refund guarantee: €10 combined / €5 one-day rides
** Gift of a ticket to the Tibetan Bridge of Canillo with registration for each participant.
*** Includes lunch ticket to choose between Saturday or Sunday.
**** Does not include accident day insurance (+€5).
***** Saturday and/or Sunday lunch ticket option per companion (+€12/person)