Canillo disposa d´una amplíssima oferta d´allotjaments repartits entre Canillo, Ransol, El Tarter i Soldeu, perque triis el que millor s´adapti a la teva estada.

15% Discount:
The accommodations that have this discount are Alba, Tarter, Bordes and Merceria. All are located between Tarter and Bordes d'Envalira.
El codi per beneficiar-se del 15% és TRAIL2415%. Aquest codi és vàlid pel cap de setmana del 23 al 25 d’agost.
A Canillo tú i els teus acompanyants trobareu infinitat d´activitats per completar la vostra estada. Esglèsies, museus i itenararis culturals.
Entre els principals monuments destaquen les Esglèsies Romàniques llegat d´una cultura mil.lenària en uns paissatges singulars amb camins de natura magníficis.

Runs The CTR
CTR gives you the chance to enjoy spectacular tours for up to 2 days.
The best way to spend an unforgettable weekend will be to take part in one of the 3 two-stage combinations we have prepared for you.
You have the option to sign up for one of the 4 routes.
What are you waiting for?
Schedule your 2-day challenge to enjoy incredible mountains and spectacular glacial valleys like never before. You will experience the spirit of our ancestors in the high mountains as you travel through the unique landscapes of Canillo.